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Press Release February 1, 2024
By AsylumInternational | |
Asylum International is working with the Biden Administration to encourage the President to issue an Executive Order granting Temporary Protected Status to Ecuadorians. 
Press Release January 16, 2024
By AsylumInternational | |
President Biden has the authority, with the stroke of a pen, to grant Temporary Protected Status to Russian defectors and Asylum International, along with other humanitarian organizations, is calling upon him to do so.
Press Release December 10, 2023
By AsylumInternational | |
The Declaration codified a list of fundamental human rights that the signatories to the document are obliged to protect and defend. In the years following its adoption, other treaties and declarations have been made by the General Assembly improving the lives of millions but much work remains to be done.
Press Release November 28, 2023
By AsylumInternational | |
These are noble goals that can be advanced by granting Temporary Protected Status to Russian defectors. With a minimal cost to us, and a great advantage to them, we can undercut Vladimir Putin’s supply of soldiers and, at the same time, lay the foundation of a democratic society in Russia. Accordingly, we are asking the President to grant Temporary Protected Status to Russian defectors.
Press Release August 30, 2023
By AsylumInternational | |
In recognition of the ongoing turmoil in Venezuela and our longstanding commitment to promoting democracy in the region, Asylum International is calling upon the President of the United States to exercise his authority to extend Temporary Protected Status to refugees from Venezuela.
Press Release March 22, 2022
By AsylumInternational | |
The President of the United States has the authority to extend asylum protection to Ukrainians and should be urged to do so.  Asylum International is asking for other humanitarian organizations to join with us in requesting asylum for Ukrainian refugees.